
Billy Sings Tonight

Joshua St. Claire

May 8, 2022


We have no need of firelight tonight.
Fingers and lips transcend eyesight tonight.

Darkside — thumbing through Lunar Baedeker
for Wing shows on Starway — sans earthlight tonight.

Clouds are gathering. When the sky licks
the land, a wildfire will ignite tonight.

Bent boughs burdened by both fruit and blossom —
ye shall be as gods — with a bite, tonight.

The pruinamancer frets the frosted
panes to read what the wind will write tonight.

Don’t blink! The sun is doubled in your eyes,
and the shadows damn this doubled daylight tonight.

All we know is winter follows spring when
Billy Corgan sings "Tonight Tonight" tonight.

Joshua St. Claire is a certified public accountant who works as a financial controller in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. He enjoys writing poetry on coffee breaks and after putting the kids to bed. His work is published in the Inflectionist Review, Blue Unicorn, ubu., and bones, among others, and has received nominations for the Pushcart.